Message from the Founding President

Dr. Cecilia K.Y. Chan
Founding President of AsiaSEE
“We need to advance engineering education by creating a network where all relevant stakeholders, including academics, industry, government authorities, students and the public, can connect with each other and cooperate. ”
In an age of increasing uncertainties, many of the societal and engineering challenges are so unpredictable and complex that they cannot be unlocked by traditional ways of education. This calls for a new breed of engineers who will not only be capable problem-solvers, but also problem-identifiers working with multidisciplinary teams to initiate innovations and take on social responsibilities. Towards this goal, we need to advance engineering education by creating a network where all relevant stakeholders, including academics, industry, government authorities, students and the public, can connect with each other and cooperate.
This lays the background of founding The Asian Society for Engineering Education (AsiaSEE) in 2019 as the first regional engineering education network in Asia to improve engineering education collectively. AsiaSEE aims to provide a solid foundation and a vibrant forum for all interested parties to exchange ideas, deepen understandings and work in collaboration. We currently already have more than twenty Founding Members who are all leaders from higher education institutions across Asia supporting this regional network. In the future, we will expand our partnership with a wider community and undertake international cooperation with like-minded engineering societies around the world.
As the President, I am pleased to lead work with this group of elite members. Together we will be able to tackle some of the challenges in engineering education today and repurpose engineering education to prepare students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and mind-sets useful for a rapidly changing society.
I hereby express my sincere appreciation to all the Founding Members for their full support to the establishment of AsiaSEE. I also want to thank Prof. Mike Murphy, President of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Prof. Mark Symes, President of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE), and Prof. Stephanie Farrell, President of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), for their valuable advice on the foundation of AsiaSEE. With Prof. Haydn Chen from National Chiao Tung University as the Vice President, I am confident to develop AsiaSEE into a globally recognised society committed to the advancement of engineering education.
Dr. Cecilia Chan
Founding President of AsiaSEE
Head of Professional Development, Associate Professor,
Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning,
The University of Hong Kong
January 2019